NAKMAS National Governing Body

Urgent Coronavirus advice to all NAKMAS accredited affiliates
NAKMAS National Register of Covid-19 Compliance Certificates
NAKMAS Covid-19 Compliance Certificates Issued - Updated 17 June 2021
Click here to view the updated National Register
NAKMAS' Return to Training Plan (Return to Play) is available via the following link:
Coronavirus - Updated 30 November 2021
As you will be aware, the rise of Covid-19 cases has once more hit the news in recent weeks, especially with the new variant starting to hit the UK. As instructors teaching and dealing with the public, we must remain aware of the impact our classes may have on this situation.

The different UK nations are all starting to add a few minor changes to their rules for your local areas and you must remain vigilant and up to date on this knowledge.

England’s Prime Minister has deemed that from today the wearing of face coverings is once again mandatory in shops, medical settings, public transport, and communal areas of educational settings. We understand this is still also the case for Scotland and other areas are reviewing the situation.

There is currently no official stance on wearing face coverings once more in leisure settings but of course if there are crowded areas, it would be recommended.

NAKMAS recommends the following for the martial arts situation although this is not currently mandatory:

· Continue to follow your own club risk assessment – providing it has been thoroughly prepared and reviewed as necessary, it should be protecting you and your members.

· There is absolutely no reason to be wearing masks/face coverings during training. However, if pad wearers/holders feel more comfortable doing so, they should continue.


· Sanitisation of hands, equipment etc, should be continued as standard.

· Be more aware of risk at courses and gradings as more people from a wider array of clubs and potentially geographical areas will be congregating.

· We do not advise limiting students/visitors to those who have been fully vaccinated. As martial arts practitioners and administrators of such, we cannot be involved with a person’s right to choose whether to be vaccinated.

· If a student or anyone in the family has a positive result, or symptoms, they must stay away from classes until the incubation period has passed, regardless of the local school rules. We cannot take risks as we bring together students of all ages and areas.

It is crucial at this time to keep up to date with local and national news with regards Covid-19 and act as necessary to keep you, your students, parents, friends and family safe.



Coronavirus - Updated 15 July 2021
Following the recent announcements from the individual nations’ governments, we are delighted to announce further restriction lifting for our members. However, as the covid rates are steadily rising again with the rampant delta variant taking hold, this is not a time to take unnecessary risks. We have been working with the government and associated bodies to provide for you safe advice as well as the changing of rules coming into play in the coming weeks. Updated government guidance will also be published ahead of the dates for change and will provide further advice on how to reduce the risk of transmission during exercising and physical activities.

Any classes taking place before the dates for change, must continue to adhere to the Return to Training Plan as it stands right now.

With the changes taking place in each nation at different speeds, with different rules, we have provided the links to each nation’s rules. Along with our general advice you must always adhere to local rules, and we ask that you visit these links regularly to check on current law and guidelines.


From 19 July you will move into Step 4
  • There will be no set restrictions on how many people can take part in indoor or outdoor classes. We advise that you use common sense to ensure you do not ‘stuff’ students in and take risks with their health.
  • All forms of activities will be able to take place without set restrictions. However, you must follow the general guidance given below as well as your own risk assessments.
  • Adults and children may return to sparring, and close contact work such as in the throwing arts. We advise that you continue to use bubbles for these activities while the covid number is still rising.


From 19 July
  • You will move into level 0. This will enable the reduction of distancing from 2m to 1 m in all indoor settings.
Further changes will be found via the link. It is expected that full removal of restrictions will take place in August.


From 17 July
  • You will move to alert level 1. Please check your local rules for changes.
From 7 August (provisional)
  • You will move alert level 0, with most restrictions being lifted. Please continue to check your local rules.


  • All outdoor or indoor sport is permitted, providing you follow our Return to Training Plan and government guidance.
  • Indoor activities with more than 15 participants must be risk assessed carefully.
  • Spectators at classes, car sharing for travel to and from classes etc must be avoided where possible.
From 26 July (indicative)
  • Many restrictions will be lifted. Please check your local rules for these.


The latest guidance from April seems to indicate few restrictions currently. Please continue to check your local rules for any changes.

GENERAL GUIDANCE (despite restrictions being lifted)

  • Continue to question students about recent symptoms, travelling abroad, positive tests.
  • Continue to ask students to scan the QR code at the venue, even if this is no longer legally required.
  • Continue to use the track and trace system.
  • Continue to test yourself regularly, especially if you teach more than one class.
  • Continue the regime of hand washing, sanitizing and cleaning equipment regularly.
  • While the rate is still rising, we advise pad holders to continue wearing a face covering (if not exempt) – avoid taking risks.
  • Continue to review and put into place your risk assessments.
  • We advise continuing the use of bubbles for close contact work and sparring – reducing the risk of droplet transference as far as possible.
  • Continue some of the new teaching methods which have, in many clubs, been successful – use of pool noodles, shadow sparring to name two. If you have any good ideas, share them on our Chief Instructors/Secretaries, or Welfare Officers Facebook pages. Let us all benefit from each other.
  • The use of Kihai (shout) can begin again but we advise to restrict this to circumstances where there is plenty of room between students, and transmission is likely to be low. For example, during kata. Instructors must take an individual risk assessment of how this can be reintroduced into classes.
  • Continue to increase ventilation and air flow indoors.
  • Ensure licences are up to date and DBS checks for instructors are carried out every three years. We encourage you to sign up to the Update Service and renew annually so that you do not need another new application in the future but can simply give permission for us to access the record.


We remain here for support and guidance

Coronavirus - Updated 11 May 2021

The update must be read alongside the NAKMAS Return to Training Plan for more details.

Please ensure you have completed and returned the Direct Affiliate Agreement BEFORE you return to indoor training/classes. This should be emailed to

· Teach adults individually or as one household indoors. Phase 1 (including pad work).
· Teach under 18s classes indoors, no more than 15 per group in addition to one instructor. Phase 2.
· Teach parent and child classes indoors, no more than 15 attendees (including instructor). (This is not a mixed adult and children class. It must be specifically for families where a child or siblings is/are accompanied by their parent (s) and marketed as so).

From 17 May 2021:

· Organised indoor under 18s sport and physical activity can return (including classes) subject to the NAKMAS Return to Training Plan Phase 2. Providing this plan is followed, there is no limit on group numbers so long as people adhere to capacity restrictions on indoor facilities. Sport England state a minimum of 100 square feet per person.
· Organised indoor adults sport and physical activity can return (including classes) subject to the NAKMAS Return to Training Plan Phase 1. Providing this plan is followed, there is no limit on group numbers so long as people adhere to capacity restrictions on indoor facilities. As per Return to Training Plan 3m x 3m recommended per person.
· Organised classes outdoors can take place in any numbers, subject to the Return to Training Plan. Phases as per indoor above.
· Mixing indoors outside the classes – ie, breaks, before and after, must remain in household bubbles or no more than 6.
· Close contact work (sparring/pad work/grappling) must adhere to the risk assessment in Return to Training Plan.
· Use of changing rooms should still be avoided where possible.
· Spectators must remain socially distanced and gather in no more than groups of 6 indoors and 30 outdoors.
· Car sharing is allowed for travel to and from training, but masks are advised.
· Mixed (adults and children) classes will be allowed, following the above rules.

Northern Ireland
· Teach in groups of up to 15 people (including the instructor(s)) outdoors.

From 3 May 2021:
· Teach under 18s classes indoors – no limits on numbers so long as capacity restrictions are considered.
· Teach indoor adult classes up to 15 people.
· Close contact work (sparring/pad work/grappling) must adhere to the risk assessment in Return to Training Plan.

Scotland remains more complex in that different areas are doing different things. Please keep up to date with your immediate area for current guidelines.
This link will be useful as it summarises what is and is not allowed in different areas. If we receive more specific guidance, we will publish a further update.

Jersey runs on a different system and the link to the updated guidance is below.

Keep your eyes on our website and social media – updates will continue to appear regularly.

We are here for you as we have been right through the past 14 months.

Office hours are 10am-2pm Monday-Friday.

Coronavirus - Updated 06 April 2021

Following the publication of the NAKMAS Return to Training Plan, and yesterday’s announcement by the UK Prime Minister, we can now furnish you with the following updates to previous announcements.

Please remember that in order to teach indoors, you need to complete and return the Return to Training Plan, Direct Affiliate Agreement to

From 12 April you will be allowed to:
· Teach adults individually or as one household indoors. Phase 1 (including pad work).
(This does not mean put lots of single people around a room with what I believe is known as ‘mat’ training with an instructor wandering around).

· Teach under 18s classes indoors, no more than 15 per group in addition to one instructor. Phase 2.
(It is possible to teach two groups of 15 providing they are completely separate with another instructor, and you clearly have the room).

· Teach parent and child classes indoors, no more than 15 attendees (including instructor)
(This is not a mixed adult and children class. It must be specifically for families where a child or siblings is/are accompanied by their parent (s) and marketed as so).

Northern Ireland
From 1 April you are allowed to:
· Teach up to 10 people outdoors – this must be a maximum of 2 households.

From 12 April you will be allowed to:
· Teach in groups of up to 15 people (including the instructor(s) outdoors.

From 27 March you are allowed to:
· Teach ‘organised’ children’s activities outdoors.

The dates below are from the Government website. However, during the production of this update, I spoke to a Scottish member who informed me that in some areas of Scotland, classes are allowed to return earlier. He advised members look to their Local County Council websites for their localised advice and work with their venues accordingly.
From 5 April you are allowed to:
· Teach outdoor contact sports for 12–17 years.

From 17 May you may be allowed to (TBC by Scottish Government):
· Teach adult outdoor contact sport, and indoor group exercise classes.

Indoor non-contact sport is unlikely to return until early June, and localised areas are currently in different alert levels. Please keep up to date with your local areas and rules in Scotland.

Keep your eyes on our website and social media – updates will continue to appear regularly.

We are here for you as we have been right through the past year.

Office hours are 10am-2pm Monday-Friday.

Coronavirus - Updated 26 March 2021

We are glad to see that there is a clearer picture emerging about returning to normal training, after suchdifficult year for us all. However, there is some way to go to be prepared to train as we all would lik to.

Government guidance (via DCMS and Sport England) has been clear about how much preparation we all need to do to return to training. Our members’ area has provided more detailed information and covid compliance guidance previously, but more structured guidance is now needed to control the spread of Covid-19 going forwards. We have been preparing a Return to Training Action Plan based on risk assessments of all aspects of martial arts training, and government mandatory rules and regulations. Single discipline governing bodies have had to prepare in detail and obtain government approval for these plans and we, as a multi-disciplinary body, have been mandated to work with such bodies as well as with the Sport England Return to Play team.

Sadly, updated, or indeed any, information has been very slow, approvals have been slow, and we have been informed that the exact restrictions (and allowances) from 12 April for example, will not be available until the week before at the earliest. This is not helpful, for us, and for you.

However, we are still working like crazy behind the scenes to get this plan (version 1) ready to publish shortly. * Without it, our activities are not deemed ‘organised’ activities and cannot go ahead as we mentioned in our update of 25 February.

In the meantime, we urge all clubs to ensure they have:

· Risk assessed their club activity and planned how to ensure the safety of their members as advised last summer (this is required for an activity to be ‘organised’ *)
· A way to record all members and visitors to support the NHS Test and Trace – an extended version of the usual register is recommended.
· Asked all members to self-assess before coming to any activities – being aware of any symptoms and staying away as necessary.
· Prepared to continue to adhere to legal gathering limits before and after any activities, acting responsibly and limiting transmission risk wherever possible.
· Made members aware that they are choosing to take part in a modified version of the discipline, including any relevant Covid-19 measures, and should comply with these measures as a condition of participation.
· Asked all members to ensure membership/insurance are up to date to participate in activities (required for ‘organised’ * activity)
· Checked all instructors have current membership/insurance and DBS, as well as club insurance (required for ‘organised’ * activity)
· Informed members that spectators will only be allowed for the supervision of U-18s (for safeguarding) and that they must remain socially distanced from other households.

Sanctions for non-compliance may result in suspension or the addition of further measures. These will be detailed in the Return to Training Action Plan. The Government reserves the right to revoke a sport if serious breaches are found.

ENGLAND – FROM 29 MARCH (‘organised’ activities * see above)
· Exercise and recreation will be allowed for groups of up to 6 people, or as a group of two households. Social distancing must remain for people from different households.
· Where sport is not formally ‘organised’* it can take place strictly within the rules of social contact (social distancing/rules of 6/two households).
· Outdoor sport is allowed for adults and children in larger numbers providing it is formally ‘organised’.
· ‘Organised’ children’s (under 18) classes can take place outdoors with any number, but social contact rules (social distancing / rules of 6/two households) should be maintained before and after classes and during breaks. Partner and pad work allowed carefully.
· ‘organised’ adult classes can take place in larger numbers but must remain socially distanced (recommended maximum 12-15 including instructor, to ensure seeing and hearing safely). Pad work allowed (recommend pad holder wears face covering).
· Combat contact sports should adapt training and game play to reduce the level of contact so far as reasonably possible and take steps to minimize risk.
· ‘Organised’ * classes of disabled students can take place with no social contact limits. The instructor must have minimal contact with students.
· NO INDOORS SPORT except as part of the school curriculum.

More information can be found from

NORTHERN IRELAND – FROM 1 APRIL (‘organised’ becomes ‘structured’ * see above)
· Up to 10 people from a maximum of 2 households may undertake ‘structured’ sport activity outdoors.

WALES – FROM 27 MARCH (‘organised’ is applicable)
· ‘Organised’ children (under 18) activities can take place outdoors.

· Outdoor contact sports can take place for 12–17-year-olds. More details as we have them.
Once the Return to Training Action Plan (version 1) is published on the NAKMAS website, and we have more concrete details for further steps, we will publish another update. We are having to be cautious as so much is still to be confirmed and planned.

Keep your eyes on our website and social media – updates will continue to appear regularly.

We are here for you as we have been right through the past year.

Office hours are currently 10am-2pm Monday-Friday.

Coronavirus - Updated 25 February 2021
(information correct as of 25.2.21)

As we have mentioned previously, ‘Return to Training’ Plans are being formulated in association with Sport England, the relevant Government department, and other relevant bodies in order to resume contact combat sports. We are working tirelessly in the background to make this happen.

The plans will set out mandatory phases for each aspect of our training to restart.

Phase 0 is non-contact training, socially distanced – the same as we have been doing over the past months while the tier system has been operative. This phase does not include the use of contact equipment.

In England you may return to training in Phase 0 only:

(In order to move up to other phases, including use of contact equipment (as it stands for now), the plans must be approved for use by Government and published on our website. We are partially reliant on external sources for this approval but are working to get it ready as soon as it is feasible for the benefit of us all)
From 29 March, outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts, and outdoor swimming pools will be able to reopen for use in line with wider social contact limits.
Organised outdoor sports for both adults and children will also be able to resume with any numbers, where this takes place under NGB guidance.
The rule of six for outdoor gatherings will return from this date and will include informal outdoor sport and recreation.
Step 2
Step 2 will begin no earlier than 12 April and will allow indoor facilities to reopen including gyms, leisure centres and community centre for use individually or with household groups. Indoor sporting activities for children will be able to take place.
Step 3
Step 3 will start from 17 May at the earliest, at which point organised adult indoor group sports and exercise classes will be able to resume. This stage will also see the return of some spectators at sporting events.

Keep your eyes on our website and social media – updates will continue to appear regularly.

We are here for you as we have been right through the past year.

Office hours are currently 10am-2pm Monday-Friday.

Coronavirus - Updated 13 January 2021
Happy New Year to you all

Here is a brief update to help you all continue as best you can, for now.


We understand that as from 8 January you have been able to resume indoor and outdoor sports activities including martial arts. Indoor limit is 10 people, and outdoors 25 people for organised sport. Specific details will be found at (thanks Paul).


All four nations are currently on national lockdown. Dates vary but you will be aware of the dates in your local area. They are constantly under review and may be extended upon review. In England (? Other nations) you can download the NHS Covid-19 app to your phones and receive up to date government information as it is published.

In each nation, you can exercise alone once a day, or you can meet with one person from another household to exercise. You must remain socially distanced. We are happy for you, therefore, to undertake 1:1s. They must not be in a private garden but in a public place which is safe. Please do not socialize before, during or after the lesson.


We have been allowing some flexibility with student licence renewals and numbers within clubs at this time. We will continue to monitor this situation as the pandemic continues.

For the clubs teaching via Zoom and other private online platforms, you must continue to insure your students as their licence expires. New students must complete health screening in the same way as usual and be licenced within the four-week period.


We continue to send out affiliation renewals as they become due. We have allowed some flexibility on student numbers over the past 11 months including for current associate members. Due to huge financial increases pending, we spent some months last autumn finding a new insurance deal for our members. Despite some increased costs to us and raised Royal Mail prices, we have managed to keep our costs the same for the current year including affiliations.

We realise that this is not the easiest time for affiliates, but continued membership ensures we can be here for you to support, advice and guide you through this difficult time. Without our members we will not exist. We really appreciate your continued membership and support for us, and to protect yourselves.

Thank you also to the members who have stayed in touch, offering kind words of support and for some who call simply to check we are okay (you know who you are).


We encourage you at this time to ensure all your club staff have up to date DBS certificates. If they are registered to the Update Service, please let us know so that we can made a note and not have to remind you again. Many forms were sent out in 2020, and we would appreciate you sending in these applications at your earliest opportunity so that we can all use this time wisely and do everything we can to be ready for face to face teaching again as soon as we are allowed. Remember a disclosure should be renewed every three years.


We encourage you to stay in contact with your students as far as possible, even if you are not teaching via online platforms. WhatsApp groups, regular updates on your social media platforms, website updates, will all show your students you are still there. We have many clubs holding Zoom get-togethers, quizzes, challenges etc.

We have a specific Facebook group for Chief Instructors and Secretaries of direct member groups. Request membership via


We now have a Quality Assured Mark logo which can be used on your letterheads, business cards, social media, and websites. If you have not already seen a leaflet about this, contact us for the private secure web link to these.


We are currently working on a return to play plan to ensure staff and students are working in the best, safest way possible for the future of martial arts.

We are here for you as we have been right through the past year.

Office hours are currently 10am-2pm Monday-Friday.

Coronavirus - Updated 26 November 2020
Following the recent announcement by the Prime Minister, national lockdown will end next week and from 2 December, we will return to a three-tier system in England. However, there are more restrictions than previously for sport and physical activity within level 3.

Please do not arrange for classes to recommence until this Thursday’s announcement of which geographical areas are in which tier. They will not necessarily be as before.

Organised outdoor grassroots sport will be allowed to resume from 2 December across all levels, providing social distancing remains in place, although there will be some restrictions on highest-risk activity in tier three areas.
Indoor sport and physical activity will also resume from 2 December, although there will be restrictions on some activities due to the higher transmission risk of coronavirus in an indoor setting. Restrictions will depend on the alert level that applies to your local area.
Tier one
Outdoors: Classes and organised adult sport can take place.
Indoors: Classes and organised adult sport must follow the rule of six as before lockdown. Group activities such as training sessions and exercise classes can take place in larger numbers, provided people are in separate groups (up to six people) which do not mix.
Indoors and outdoors: Organised activities for under-18s and disabled people can continue.
Tier two
Outdoors: Classes and organised adult sport can take place.
Indoors: Classes and organised adult sport can take place for a household or bubble, or in group activities - such as classes - provided there's no mixing between households. Students will need to enter the training space individually, stand and train in an allocated spot and stay there, leaving separately.
Indoors and outdoors: Organised activities for under-18s and disabled people can continue.
Tier three
Outdoors: Classes and organised adult sport can take place, but people should avoid higher-risk contact activity or use strict distancing protocols.
Indoors: Classes and organised adult sport cannot take place, unless done with only people from the same household or bubble.
Indoors and outdoors: Organised activities for under-18s and disabled people can continue.
Challenges are being made to the Government to allow adult classes to take place with strict protocols, but this is not the case right now. We will inform you if this changes.

Other Nation updates will be posted shortly as we receive details

Remember we at Head Office are here for you to support and advice, as necessary.

Coronavirus - Updated 06 November 2020

From 5 November 2020, England is on lockdown2. This means that leisure centres, gyms and similar venues must be closed.

Our only option until 2 December (we hope), is to teach 1:1 outside. This is strict – we cannot teach another family, only one person from another household is allowed.

There has been some debate about school based clubs as schools are remaining open at this time. The final clarification on this issue is below:

The general guidance for the new lockdown period state that childcare activities can continue, where this is necessary to allow parents to work. However, this is focussed on wrap-around childcare type clubs rather than sports clubs. 'After school clubs' used as wrap-around care are those part funded by the school or government and are OFSTED regulated.

The government have been quite clear that grassroots sport for both children and adults must not take place during the lockdown period.

There remains provision for sport to take place within schools as part of the curriculum. However, we have been told that currently sporting activities, where they are organised by a club should not take place within the lockdown period, even if they take place within school premises.


From Monday 9th November, when your lockdown ends, the following is applicable:

Up to 15 people can take part in an organised indoor activity and up to 30 people outside. All covid precautions including social distancing, hand hygiene etc must be taken into consideration.

Gyms and leisure facilities are allowed to reopen


Outdoor Sport and Physical Activity

Sport and physical activity may occur outdoors, at any activity intensity level with 1m physical distancing.

For the purposes of outdoor sport and physical activity, participants may be in 'close fleeting contact'. For example, a brief tackle in football.

'Close fleeting contact' should be kept to a minimum. This may involve adapting training exercises and minimising match-play time within training sessions.

'Close facing contact' is currently strongly discouraged everywhere, even in outdoor sporting environments.

Physical distancing should always be maintained at breaks and before / after the activity.

Indoor Sport and Physical Activity

High intensity indoor sport and physical activity is not permitted.

Indoor sport or recreation facilities can remain open for low and moderate intensity sport and physical activity only.

'Close fleeting contact' sport and physical activity may resume indoors BUT only when close contact is fleeting in nature (a few seconds at a time) and only for low or moderate intensity activities.

'Close fleeting contact' activity should be kept to a minimum. This may involve adapting training exercises and minimising 'match-play' time within training sessions.

Indoor 'close facing contact' is strongly discouraged.

Physical distancing should always be maintained at breaks and before / after the activity.

As Jersey is on a very different system to the rest of the UK, we have added a link here for more detailed information


Current restrictions are due for review next week. A further update will be given when we have the details.
Coronavirus - Updated 30 October 2020
With guidelines coming out practically daily and all things Covid getting more and more confusing, we are just summarising here as a reminder what is 'currently' the case for sport and recreation. Each club needs to look at the information and work out what it means in their case and in their area. News changes daily so it is up to you to keep a close eye on this.

Please apply for a QR code for the NHS app Track and Trace if your venue does not already have this. It is a simple process as we have said on previous guidelines. All students and parents should be encouraged to 'zap the code' at every visit. This will leave the responsibility of informing close contacts when cases of Covid are confirmed, to the NHS/Government officials and allow us to concentrate on keeping our students and instructors safe.

Whilst we encourage you to run your day to day businesses as far as possible, this is not the time to be throwing parties, special events or fundraising marathons, however well meaning.


Every part of England is now in one of three Covid-19 alert levels: Tier 1 (medium), Tier 2 (high) and Tier 3 (very high). Here is a summary of what this means for sport and physical activity:

Tier 1 (medium)
National restrictions, introduced from 24 September, continue to apply.


Organised individual and team sports that have been through Covid compliant protocols can continue, while adhering to the 'rule of six', which means practicing in a group of no more than six people.

There are exemptions to this: under-18s, and disabled people.

Other indoor activity, such as exercise classes, can continue in larger numbers based on the size of the venue, provided that people are in separate groups of up to six people, or larger groups if they are from the same household or support bubble, which do not mix.

Gyms and leisure facilities can stay open, and the 'rule of six' applies to informal activity.


National governing body-approved organised team sport, exercise classes and outdoor licensed physical activity and sport participation events can happen in any number provided they are in line with Covid-secure guidance.

The 'rule of six' applies to informal sport.

Tier 2 (high)

Organised individual and team sport must be played by a single household or support bubble.

Exemptions laid out in Tier 1 on specific groups of people who can play in larger numbers continue to apply.

Exercise classes can also continue as per the rules under Tier 1, while informal sport can only be played indoors by a single household or support bubble.

Gyms and leisure facilities can stay open.


There is no change to the guidance for outdoor sport and physical activity – the Tier 1 rules still apply.

Tier 3 (very high)

Guidance under this tier is subject to change, depending on local and national government agreements.


Sport and physical activity can be played as per the guidance under Tier 2.

Gyms and leisure facilities may have to close depending on local approaches to business closures.


Sport and physical activity can be played as per the guidance under Tier 1.


Sport and exercise permissions

Level 0

All permitted providing covid compliance guidelines are followed.

Level 1

All permitted except age 18+ indoor contact sports (professional permitted). Covid compliance guidelines must be followed.

Level 2

All permitted except age 18+ indoor contact sports (professional permitted). Covid compliance guidelines must be followed.

Level 3


Individual exercise only for age 18+. Under 18s can continue under Covid compliance guidelines.


All permitted except adult (18+) contact sports (professional permitted). Covid compliance guidelines must be followed.

Level 4

Indoors gyms closed

Outdoor non-contact sports only (Professional permitted). Covid compliance guidelines must be followed.


Wales is currently on a firebreak lockdown between 23 October and 9th November

Pause on organised sport and facilities

All organised sport and facilities will be paused during the Welsh circuit breaker.


The regulations introduced from 6.00pm on 16 October 2020 and are in place for four weeks.

  • no indoor sport of any kind or organised contact sport involving household mixing other than at elite level
  • no mass events involving more than 15 people (except for allowed outdoor sporting events where the relevant number for that will continue to apply)
  • gyms may remain open but for individual training only with local enforcement in place

For clubs which operate in lots of different areas and have students travelling between areas, you will always need to follow local travel guidance. Please stay aware and ensure safety first.

Remember NAKMAS are always here for you.
Coronavirus - Updated 14 October 2020

Coronavirus: Northern Ireland imposes four-week circuit breaker lockdown

The relevant bullet points for our members:

Indoor sport of all kinds suspended, apart from at an elite level

Gyms for individual exercise will remain open.

Following the Prime Minister's most recent statement and the introduction of the new Tier system for the country, we have added below the relevant links to the website. With the system being increasingly different for each part of the country, we urge you to follow the links, and also download the NHS covid app to your phone or tablet, to keep up to date with the rules and restrictions for your area.

While we will of course continue to try to help with your queries, interpretation of the rules in your area will be your responsibility as we cannot keep up with every rule for every town no matter how much we would like to be able to. These are extremely difficult and complex times, but the priority must be the safety of everyone. We must comply with the new restrictions.

As we get new and further information, we will publish it.

PM announcement 12 October 2020

Local Covid Alert levels

Tier 1 = Medium risk

Tier 2 = High risk

Tier 3 = Very high risk

Liverpool City Region restrictions

The Liverpool City Region is at Tier 3 = Very high risk with additional local restrictions including

From TODAY, Liverpool City Region will be placed onto the 'Very High' Local Covid Alert Level. The Liverpool City Region includes the local authority districts of Halton, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens, and Wirral, as well as the City of Liverpool.

Under the country's new three tiered Local Covid Alert Level system, the Very High alert level applies in the areas of greatest concern.

The new restrictions for the Liverpool City Region include:

  • Pubs and bars will close. They can only remain open where they operate as if they were a restaurant – which means serving substantial meals, like a main lunchtime or evening meal. They may only serve alcohol as part of such a meal
  • Indoor gyms and fitness/dance studios, sports facilities, leisure centres, betting shops, adult gaming centres and casinos will close
  • Wedding receptions will not be permitted
  • People should try to avoid travelling outside their local area, or entering another area rated Very High other than for work, education, accessing youth services, or to meet caring responsibilities
  • People should avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK if they are resident in the Liverpool City Region and avoid staying overnight in the Liverpool City Region if they are resident elsewhere
Please continue to check your local area restrictions carefully.

Remember NAKMAS is always here for you.
Coronavirus - Updated 09 October 2020

Today it was announced that new rules would take effect from 10 October, for two weeks.

The new rules for the five central belt areas are:

* all licensed premises - with the exception of hotels for residents - will be required to close indoors and outdoors, although takeaways will be permitted

* cafes which do not have an alcohol licence will be able to stay open until 18:00

* snooker and pool halls, indoor bowling alleys, casinos and bingo halls will also close in the five health board areas for two weeks from 10 October

* contact sports for people aged 18 and over will be suspended for the next two weeks - with an exception for professional sports

* indoor group exercise activities will not be allowed, although the current rules will remain in place for under 18s and gyms can remain open for individual exercise

* outdoor live events will not be permitted for the next fortnight.

There will be no travel ban in any of the areas, but people in the central belt have been urged to avoid public transport unless it is "absolutely necessary".

And they have also been advised not to travel outside of the health board area they live in if they do not need to.

Please keep your eyes on your local areas for other lockdown restrictions. Remember, NAKMAS is always here for you.
Coronavirus - Addendum to Update of 24.09.20 (updated 25.09.20)
After an exhausting afternoon and evening of calls, social media posts and emails, we are posting the exact wording from the Government website, to avoid any doubt. The highlighted area relating to adults training and socialising in groups of six within a class must be adhered to. They are government rules, not ours. In addition to the governments, we only use information from official bodies including the Sport and Recreation Alliance, Sport England, and other nation equivalents.

We cannot control how and what other governing bodies and organisations advise their members. You must decide how to change your classes to fulfil the new government rules. Your insurance may be compromised if you do not do this, and you are risking the lives of yourselves and your members.

The full link to the FAQs is:

Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can't do

Updated 22 September 2020

This is national guidance that applies to England only – people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should follow the specific rules in those parts of the UK. If you live in an area that is experiencing a local COVID-19 outbreak and where local restrictions have been imposed, different guidance and legislation will apply. Please consult the local restrictions page to see if any restrictions are in place in your area.

3.15 Can I still participate in sport and physical activity in groups of more than 6?

Adults can continue to take part in outdoor organised sport and licensed physical outdoor activity in groups of more than six, provided it is organised by a national governing body, club, registered instructor/coach, business or charity; and/or involve someone who has received an official license to use equipment relevant to the activity. In all cases, the organiser must conduct a risk assessment and ensure compliance with COVID-19 Secure guidance.

You should only be playing outdoor team sports and partaking in outdoor physical activity where the relevant governing body has published guidance on how to do so safely, and you can play outdoors. See a list of team sports governing bodies which have developed guidance. Other outdoor sports or licensed outdoor physical activities may also be permitted if this is formally organised by a sports club or similar organisation and following sports-governing body guidance.

For adults, outdoor organised exercise classes can still take place in groups larger than six. When participating in any exempted activity like this, you must not mingle in groups of more than 6 before and after the activity. You should always ensure you socially distance from people you do not live with (or have formed a support bubble with) wherever possible.

From 24 September, organised indoor sport and indoor exercise classes can continue to take place with larger numbers present, provided groups of more than six do not mix. If groups of six are likely to mix, these indoor activities must not go ahead. There is an exemption for organised indoor team sports for disabled people.

The relevant indoor sport facilities guidance or outdoor guidance must be followed for these activities. Organised Sport and Physical Activity events are allowed provided they follow guidance for the public on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England. All supervised activities for under 18s, including sports and exercise groups, indoors and out, are permitted where a risk assessment has been carried out. This should follow guidance on out of school settings.

Other forms of exercise must only take place in groups of six unless everyone is from the same household or support bubble.

When playing sports informally (where not organised in line with the rules above) with people you don't live with, you must limit the size of your group to 6. It is illegal to do so in a larger group and you may be fined.
Coronavirus - Updated 24 September 2020
Further clarification has been sought following receipt of more information and some calls from members.

Children (defined as under 18 years)

Groups of children are permitted of up to 15 plus an adult (i.e., coach). If your venues are large enough to hold more than 15 socially distanced, they will need to have more than one coach and be run in two groups.

Adults (defined as 18 plus years)

Classes must be split into groups of six adults. Groups of more than six must not enter or leave the room at the same time. Groups of more than six must not mingle or interact socially within or outside the room. If a disabled student needs a carer with them, the carer is not counted as one of the 6.

Outdoor Training

People can continue to attend and deliver outdoor classes with groups of more than six, as long as the activity is formally organised. This must be by a qualified instructor, club, NGB, company or charity and follow Covid-19 guidance.

Social Interaction

Students should be encouraged to enter, train, and then leave immediately, rather than hanging around to socialise.

Pad Work/Contact

Any arts which involve contact between students or contact with equipment which contravene social distancing guidelines (such as pad work) must be adapted for now.

Use of Kihai

The use of kihai must be stopped in classes at this time to prevent spray of droplets.

Track and Trace

Clubs must keep contact information for track and trace. If a student/coach tests positive for Coronavirus, the system will contact all close contacts. You can also request a QR code poster for your venue if there is not one already. This can be done by clicking here and takes five minutes. Visitors to the venue should download the new NHS Covid-19 App to scan the poster. Obviously, we cannot force people to do this but every little helps and most responsible people will be happy to do this if their phone technology allows it.
Coronavirus - Updated 23 September 2020
This update follows yesterday's Government announcements


Adult team sports played indoors will be restricted to the rule of six. This does NOT apply to martial arts, but to sports such as football, volleyball etc.

All organised activities for children will continue to be exempt from the rule of six.

Going to the gym, fitness, and exercise classes (including martial arts) will still be allowed to continue for over six people, so long as there is no interaction or mingling between activities.

Outdoor sports and activities formally arranged and under Covid-19 and government approved guidance can continue


So long as you are not teaching in a house, it seems that nothing changes.

Indoor sports facilities are still open. Activities which are organised and following Covid-19 and government approved guidance can continue

Outdoor sports and activities formally arranged and under Covid-19 and government approved guidance can continue

Northern Ireland

Indoor and outdoor gatherings for sporting purposes are permitted if the organiser has carried out a risk assessment and has taken all reasonable measures to limit the risk of transmission


Exercising in classes of up to 30 people is still allowed subject to social distancing and all reasonable measures to limit the risk of transmission


It is especially essential currently for you to keep your membership, insurance and DBS checks up to date. REMEMBER, NAKMAS ARE HERE TO SUPPORT OUR MEMBERS!

Coronavirus - Updated 14 September 2020

We have been asked by a Scottish member for guidance on how the new ruling affects classes in Scotland.

After lots of searching it seems that as for England, the six person ruling does not currently affect organised sports, providing they are being run in line with covid-secure guidelines, with risk assessments, sanitizing, social distancing etc being put in place. (ref: BBC Scotland).

If any other Scottish member knows differently perhaps you could contact us.

We also understand that parts of Scotland, and England, have recently been put on stricter lockdown restrictions. Please check your own area for these.

'From Monday 14 September, it will only be possible for a maximum of six people from two households to meet together - either indoors or outdoors.

The new regulations will apply in restaurants, pubs and beer gardens, as well as in people's homes and gardens.

While the changes legally come into effect from Monday, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has asked people to follow the new rules straight away.

If children aged under 12 are part of the two households, they will not count towards the limit of six people.

There will also be exceptions for organised sports and places of worship, and for funerals, weddings and civil partnerships.'
Coronavirus - Updated 10 September 2020
Following the announcement of the new law to come into force on Monday 14 September 2020 regarding social gatherings, NAKMAS has now sought government clarification, legal and insurance advice.

We have been advised that people can continue:

> To take part in organised sports and activities that have gone through strict Covid-19 protocols*

> To take part in organised outdoor sports and physical activity events with strict social distancing

Use leisure facilities, including gyms and pools

The reasons that these activities are exempt from the new law is that these sports and activities have been putting intensive plans in place to reduce the risk of spread of Covid-19, and the venues where they take place have strict measures to reduce this risk.

* It is especially important now that club chief instructors and secretaries visit the members' area of the NAKMAS website where you will find samples of risk assessments to be adapted for your individual circumstances and venues, the Covid-19 compliance checklist to be followed strictly (and returned for Covid-19 Compliance certification) and other useful guidance.

* It is essential that you check your DBS/Disclosure certificate for currency (three years). If it is out of date, please call for a form to be sent or complete if you have recently been sent one. Your instructor licence/insurance is not valid without a current enhanced disclosure.

* It is essential that your membership/licence and insurance is up to date. Please check today and renew, as necessary.

If we as martial artists do not ensure we have all the correct documentation and procedures in place as we resume teaching our classes, there is a high risk that the industry will be shut down once again. We must all do our job well to ensure this does not happen.

NAKMAS is always here for you to support and advise. Please help us to help you and your members. Remember, NAKMAS is always here for you.
Coronavirus - Updated 31 July 2020

We have received the devastating news that some areas in the North of England have now been put back into some lockdown restrictions at short notice. The guidelines seem quite sketchy and we advise affected clubs to be guided by their venue management as far as possible. The link below will explain the government guidelines as they stand right now.


We understand some restrictions are still in place for Leicester and the link to the government guidelines are below.
Coronavirus - Updated 13 July 2020
From today, in England, businesses and venues can hold gatherings of up to 30 people outdoors providing social distance measures are in place and risk assessments carried out. These must be supervised by a responsible person (e.g., a club instructor).

Recently came the announcement that we have been anticipating: a date for the reopening of studios, gyms, and indoor leisure facilities. In England, these facilities are expected to reopen from the 25th July under the guidelines set out by the UK government. You can read the new guidelines here. Of course, you will need to get in touch with your local leisure facilities to find out their exact date of opening.

The number of students permitted indoors will depend on the size of the studio or hall, given that 2 metres social distance is recommended to maximise the safety and wellbeing of our members. However, in line with government guidelines, you can reduce the distance to 1-metre plus where space is more limited. Please be careful of this reduction however for younger children who may not understand the importance of social distancing.

In line with the government guidelines for reopening studios and leisure facilities in England, we suggest the following be considered. Please also read the guidance and sample forms published two weeks ago on the NAKMAS website members' area, for chief instructors and secretaries. Information can also be used for gradings.

Speak with your venue management to find out their requirements, and work with them to ensure the safety of everyone you bring to classes.
Consider an online or telephone booking service to find out numbers, and potentially take online or advanced payments.
* Reduce class sizes or increase hall space hired. Allow sufficient time between classes to avoid groups waiting outside during changeover.
* Use floor markings to maintain social distance between students. This might be particularly helpful for younger students. (see advice above in italics)
* Enhanced cleaning and providing hand sanitizer throughout venues.
* Limit spectators and ask for only one adult with one/family of children to come to class (if they can be at a distance: balcony above hall, area with windows to hall etc., even better).
* Perhaps consider one door for entrance and another for exit – where this is possible.
* Keep a register of anyone attending the class – especially important for any future track and trace needs.
* Ensure adequate ventilation before, during and after class. Speak to your leisure centre about perhaps opening fire exit doors in large sports halls (some have alarms).
* Any equipment used must be thoroughly disinfected before, during and after sessions. Keep this to a minimum.
Students must be allowed to bring a sealed water bottle into class as hydration is essential while exercising.
* We would suggest that any young students going to the toilet during a class, are accompanied by a volunteer (to ensure hand washing and not encountering other members of public (within a leisure centre especially). If this volunteer is not an instructor or well-known parent, s/he will need to be DBS checked.
Members should be encouraged to come to class in their suit, changing at home (covered with a jacket for good etiquette).
* Clean and disinfect the studio space (if it is your own), between classes.
* The studio owner/leisure centre management should take responsibility for actioning a thorough cleaning procedure and risk assessment for the space.
Instructors should carry out their own risk assessment on the space used. Samples are available on the members' area of the NAKMAS website.
* Instructors should follow the Covid-19 checklist available on the members' area of the NAKMAS website.


* While we understand that this update will be celebrated by many, and we will all be keen to get back to teaching quickly, it must be understood, that the 2-metre (or 1-metre plus in reduced space) social distance rule will still apply and for some disciplines this will have its challenges. We must become creative teachers; traditional ways might be questioned for a while at least. If we are to get back to our students, we will need think differently.
Please be aware this update mainly applies to England, for now, although the advice to consider will apply to every region, when the rules change.
* The more preparation we can all do, the quicker we will return, and the safer we will all be.
* Please ensure insurance/memberships/DBS checks are current and in place.


* From today organised outdoor sports and physical activity can resume for young people (under 18) – please see local government rules for full details


* Up to 30 people can gather outdoors, with social distance rules
* Leisure centres are set to reopen on 7 August (provisional date)
Social distancing is likely to be reduced to 1 metre shortly


* From today organised outdoor activities including sports and fitness classes will be able to resume (exact numbers not published)
* Larger gatherings of up to 30 people outdoors 'only where these are organised and supervised by a responsible person for sports and other leisure activities and classes' are being added to regulations

NAKMAS continues to support its members. We will get through it together.

'Remember, NAKMAS is with you all the way'

Office hours currently 10am till 1pm

Coronavirus - Updated 01 July 2020
Updated guidance on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England (30 June 2020)

The Government has issued updated guidance on outdoor sport and recreation in England to reflect changes coming in from Saturday 4 July 2020. Includes advice on using sports facilities, personal trainers and coaching, individual sports and travelling for physical activity.

Updated guidance is via the following link:

NAKMAS guidance for members

NAKMAS has added to the secure chief instructors and secretarues Members' Area, documents to prepare members (in all regions) for restarting sport and recreation. There is a general document outlining other paperwork which might be useful. This includes risk assessment samples, a COVID-19 compliance checklist, notice for classes, booking checklist for students and general reminders.

We will also continue to add other links to the members' area which we consider might be useful to you.
Coronavirus - Updated 25 June 2020


Government guidelines dictate that a person with asthma or related conditions should not wear face coverings. Please be aware of this if teaching means social distancing less than two metres.

Like the rest of the nation NAKMAS is disappointed that there have still not been changes to the lockdown in terms of leisure centres and gyms opening. Current guidelines which relate to our sector:

* Community centres are now allowed to open, but only for: voluntary services, e.g. food banks, homeless services; nursery daycare services, blood banks, indoor markets. Government ruling does not allow them to be used for normal classes at this time.

Two metre socially distancing will be reduced to one metre plus, from 4 July. This will mean that at one metre, a mask or face covering must be worn. This will help instructors teaching outside to get a little closer to students.

* Two households of any size can meet inside or outside, from 4 July with social distancing. This means you could potentially teach a family of children and/or parents at a time. You can meet up with different households at different times.

* Groups of 6 people can continue to meet outside; we know that many instructors have been taking advantage of this and running small group classes, one to ones and even small gradings.

* Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said that the Government are hoping to reopen gyms and leisure centres mid-July. We are not sure how likely this is to happen.

* The two metre social distance rule still applies

* Two households can meet up outside, with up to 8 people. Therefore, you could potentially teach a family of children/adults, providing you are socially distanced.

Outdoor sports facilities can open.

Non-contact sport is allowed outside. We need to be creative but safe.


* Two households can meet up outside. Therefore, you could potentially teach a family of children/adults, providing you are socially distanced.

Northern Ireland
* Groups of 6 people can continue to meet outside; we know that many instructors have been taking advantage of this and running small group classes, one to ones and even small gradings.


* If you own a gym or studio we suggest you start to get this Covid ready, i.e., deep cleaning, paper towels in the bathroom rather than hand-dryer or towels, liquid soaps, contactless card facilities if possible, spraying down equipment etc.

Update your risk assessment for your classes. You should have one already (samples provided by NAKMAS in the past), but it will need to be updated to include covid assessment, i.e., handwashing/sanitization, cleaning etc. We will be providing samples of risk assessments shortly.

* Gather supplies of disinfectant spray for equipment, sanitizer, and perhaps gloves for handling money.

Advice given by NAKMAS on 22 May which continues to be valid.

* While you are not teaching, it is advised to keep in touch with your students, via newsletter perhaps, social media, messages on your website, phone calls… any way you can. Let them know you have not forgotten them and that you are missing classes and preparing for their return.

Think about teaching so it can be non-contact (for now); of course, this is not so easy for Judo and Ju Jitsu practitioners especially, but there are aspects of techniques which can still be taught. In fact, it is an opportunity to be creative with our teaching methods, and perhaps open our art to students who are not so flexible or able to be thrown about or practice in the same way as traditional students.

We recommend no sparring or close partner work until the restrictions end completely. Of course, there are other techniques which can be taught to prepare for these practices.

Possibly think about splitting large classes, or could they be moved to a larger space, hire more than one badminton court, move outside for some classes?

* Students should be standing 1 metre apart minimum. You will need to be stricter about young students who tend to stand closely. Hopefully by the time classes restart, parents will have practiced social distancing with them, and they will be used to it.

* You will need to have fewer spectators at classes, restricting junior students/families of students to one adult with them. No more family outings to watch classes.

Perhaps an online payment scheme can be set up for monthly fees, rather than weekly pay as you go. Many members already use this facility.

* If you usually accept cash at classes, perhaps investigate a mobile credit/debit card facility using your smart phone.

* If you have your own studio, consider Perspex shields at reception desks in the same way supermarkets and stores have.

* You may choose to ask parents/students/yourself to wear masks while taking payments.

* Hand sanitizer should be available at classes, for all students/instructors to use on entering the hall, and on leaving.

It goes without saying right now that handshakes, hugs, high fives, physically altering students should be avoided. The use of cues and the voice has never been so important. If you have students who are hard of hearing, visual cues and good demonstrations are also important.

If you have access to outside space, try to utilize it as far as possible. Remember to do a risk assessment and ensure it is safe to practice in the area.

* You might want to consider students needing to take their temperature before coming to classes, especially in smaller spaces.

Of course, if any student has had symptoms recently, or anyone in his or her family, they must stay away from classes. The same applies to instructors, volunteers, or spectators.

Creativity will be key, both to adapt to new teaching methods, and ways to motivate and keep our current students.

NAKMAS is a full member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, who act on our behalf as a liaison with Government. This is a statement by the CEO today.

Sport and Recreation Alliance CEO, Lisa Wainwright responds to the latest government announcement which confirms that indoor leisure and sport facilities will remain closed.

"The announcement from government today that excludes the leisure and physical activity sector in England from re-opening the majority of its indoor facilities is deeply disappointing.

"During his statement, the Prime Minister gave no clear timetable as to when these facilities would be able to re-open. Subsequently, the Culture Secretary has publicly indicated an aspiration to re-open facilities from mid-July.

"We recognise this is a difficult situation, however the sector requires clear, consistent communication from government setting out the precise steps which need to be taken – and when – in order to reopen.

"We must be able to work alongside public health experts to resolve any outstanding problems. We are confident that we are in a position to open and if we are unable to, we must understand why and be given the opportunity to offer solutions.

"It is concerning that no further financial support has been offered to help those affected by the continued closure of these facilities and with many organisations already in financial distress, the lack of additional support will have a dramatic impact on the future of the sector.

"We recognise there is a fine balance to be struck and that any lockdown easing decisions need to be taken carefully, but utilising indoor space for physical activity is the only way that many people engage in sport and recreation, including a large number of people who are considered most vulnerable.

"We find ourselves in the middle of a public health crisis to which sport and recreation must be the answer. Yet we are in danger of losing the very ability to support the health and wellbeing of the nation at this crucial time.

"We want to be clear. We are ready to return."
Coronavirus - Updated 02 June 2020

(Although there are additional changes from 1 June, the social distancing and hygiene precautions and ideas for change published recently by NAKMAS, will still apply).

These guidelines apply to outside sports (or sports which might be offered outdoors for now). Please read carefully.

We would especially like to draw your attention to the following wording:

Personal trainers and coaching

Personal training or coaching is permitted if outside and if people are a minimum of 2 metres apart and providing there are gatherings of no more than 6 people from different households.

Under the new social distancing guidelines, which allow up to, but no more than 6 people to gather, parents can take their children to a 1-1 coaching or training session, as long as the gathering does not exceed 6 people. Any sports coaches or trainers undertaking 1-1 sessions should ensure they are complying with relevant National Governing Body Safeguarding Policies and Procedures and conduct a thorough risk assessment before engaging in any sessions. This should include particular consideration for under 18s and vulnerable adults.

As this suggests, you will still need to comply with Safeguarding/Health and Safety procedures and take a full and thorough risk assessment of the environment you are considering teaching in, and procedures you will put into place. In particular you must have space so that there is 2 metres between each person.

For example: have sanitizer available for the start and end of the session, no contact should take place, social distancing must be adhered to, any equipment used should be sanitized thoroughly at the start and end of the session. Equipment must not be shared during a session. If anyone has symptoms personally or within their family, they must not be invited to take part in a session.

Other guidelines will be found on the previously published NAKMAS document.

Competitive sport behind closed doors

This new rule does not apply to coaching, nor to martial arts.

Coronavirus - Updated 22 May 2020

As the guidance was being written, changes were and are constantly being made in different parts of the country. All advice is subject to the rules local to you. Keep an eye on the news updates.

Of course, our number one priority is to take notice of Government announcements and protect the country and ourselves. Over the next few weeks and months, lockdown rules will ease, and we should be able to gradually return to our love of teaching. However, things will not be back to the 'normal' that you have been operating under for years.

We offer here some guidelines and ideas for you to be able to still teach and fulfil the current social distancing rulings. If you have any more ideas or ways you plan to return to work, please let us know and we will share them with other members. We are a community in NAKMAS; let us try to help each other to move forwards.

* Many clubs have been teaching online to their current students. Zoom has become one of the most popular methods of doing this. We are now happy for you to take beginner students via private zoom sessions (not public groups). The student/parent will need to undergo a private chat regarding health, safe space to practice etc. as well as consent to completing a Pre-Training Questionnaire, to ensure s/he is insured under your club.

* For some parts of the country, we can now meet with a member of another household in an outside space. Many instructors are now offering one to one tuition and even gradings. Check the rules for your Government though. We believe in Northern Ireland now small groups can be met as well. Changes are ongoing though, so keep your eyes on the news in your areas. Always remember social distancing and usual hygiene precautions.

* Teaching 1:1 or perhaps families or small groups. This can be popular for families and more advanced students especially. It can also be a good way to increase your income as higher fees can be charged if you are an experienced instructor. (see point 2)

Gradings can be arranged in smaller groups or even 1:1, perhaps adding on a refresher session at the start, again giving your club/group a little extra income. (see point 2)

* While you are not teaching, it is advised to keep in touch with your students, via newsletter perhaps, social media, messages on your website, phone calls… any way you can. Let them know you have not forgotten them and that you are missing classes and preparing for their return.

Think about teaching so it can be non-contact (for now); of course, this is not so easy for Judo and Ju Jitsu practitioners especially, but there are aspects of techniques which can still be taught. In fact, it is an opportunity to be creative with our teaching methods, and perhaps open our art to students who are not so flexible or able to be thrown about or practice in the same way as traditional students.

We recommend no sparring or close partner work until the restrictions end completely. Of course, there are other techniques which can be taught to prepare for these practices.

* Possibly think about splitting large classes, or could they be moved to a larger space, hire more than one badminton court, move outside for some classes?

* Students should be standing 2 metres apart as far as possible. You will need to be stricter about young students who tend to stand closely. Hopefully by the time classes restart, parents will have practiced social distancing with them, and they will be used to it.

* You will need to have fewer spectators at classes, restricting junior students/families of students to one adult with them. No more family outings to watch classes.

* Perhaps an online payment scheme can be set up for monthly fees, rather than weekly pay as you go. Many members already use this facility.

* If you usually accept cash at classes, perhaps investigate a mobile credit/debit card facility using your smart phone.

If you have your own studio, consider Perspex shields at reception desks in the same way supermarkets and stores have.

You may choose to ask parents/students/yourself to wear masks while taking payments.

* Hand sanitizer should be available at classes, for all students/instructors to use on entering the hall, and on leaving.

It goes without saying right now that handshakes, hugs, high fives, physically altering students should be avoided. The use of cues and the voice has never been so important. If you have students who are hard of hearing, visual cues and good demonstrations are also important.

* If you have access to outside space, try to utilize it as far as possible. Remember to do a risk assessment and ensure it is safe to practice in the area.

You might want to consider students needing to take their temperature before coming to classes, especially in smaller spaces.

Of course, if any student has had symptoms recently, or anyone in his or her family, they must stay away from classes. The same applies to instructors, volunteers, or spectators.

* Creativity will be key, both to adapt to new teaching methods, and ways to motivate and keep our current students.

Do not forget: if you are self-employed, have a tax code and three years of accounts, you can currently claim for a government grant to help financial difficulties. The money will be in your account within 6 days of applying.

Lastly, remember to keep your insurances and memberships up to date. We cannot protect you and your members if you fail to do this.

Coronavirus - Updated 07 May 2020

Q Is NAKMAS Head Office still open?
A Yes, we have given consistent service since the start of the Covid-19 crisis.

Q What are the Head Office hours during this time?
A Office hours have temporarily reduced over this period: Monday-Friday 10am to 1pm.

Q How will NAKMAS be communicating information during this time?
A We will continue to post announcements and plans on the website, and all social media platforms.

Q What arrangements do you have in place for the safety of staff/volunteers?
A Each person working has their own office, so social distancing is not a problem. Sanitizers and hand washing are frequent when handling post, franking machine, credit card machine etc. Anyone with symptoms will stay at home.

Q Do you have guidelines for members?
A We currently have guidelines for members' keeping insurance current. These are posted on the website and on social media. They are updated as new Government guidelines are announced.

Q Do you have advice for online teaching?
A Yes, see above.

Q As a Chief Instructor, I have worries, and would like to chat them over with a member of Management. Can I do this?
A Yes, the National Chair of NAKMAS has made it clear on all statements, that he is making himself available to all Chief Instructors for a chat, during office hours. Please call Head Office.

Q Do you have a plan for members going forward, in line with the Government's exit plan?
A We are currently working on ideas and recommendations in readiness for the release of the exit plan. This will be posted next week. If anyone has more ideas or plans, we welcome them to be submitted and we will include these for all members' benefit.

Q I am worried that my students may not return when classes restart. What should I do?
A It is essential that you stay in constant contact with your members. Perhaps a regular newsletter either sent or emailed. Regular online postings via your website (if you have one) or social media platforms are crucial. Encourage members to post photos of themselves training, or drawings younger students may have made. Tag NAKMAS to the postings about your activities and news and providing it is appropriate, we will happily share via our social media platforms. If you do not do online, simple phone calls to ask how they are doing, tell them you miss the classes. Do not ignore your members during this period.

Q Do we still need to renew our affiliation when it is due, despite being closed?
A Yes, it is essential that club/group affiliation is renewed at the time of or before expiry.

Q Why should we renew this during this period?
A It is essential as many clubs and instructors are teaching online, either live, or pre-recorded. Many are staying in touch with students, giving advice either verbally or via written methods. Also, if there is no club insurance, the student licences not yet expired will become invalid. Consistent protection of both club and members is vital during this period.

Q I have a problem with accessing some information for completing forms. What do I do?
A You are welcome to call Head Office and we will advise you accordingly.

I have outstanding student renewals, not yet sent in. Can we still do this?
A Yes, we encourage you to continue your business as far as possible. We are also quieter at this time and therefore can get orders back to you faster.

Q I have been asked to make a DBS application urgently but cannot yet get to a post office. What should I do?
A DBS application is important; please do this just as soon as you can. Call Head Office is you are worried.

Q Can I send id documents to NAKMAS, rather than visit a post office?
A Yes, of course. The charge is £15 to process and return via Special Delivery.

Q If I receive my disclosure certificate from the DBS, what should I do with it?
A Photograph or Scan it and email immediately to It should also be shown to either your club Welfare Officer or Chief Instructor for their records.

Q If I do not email my disclosure certificate to NAKMAS within the required 30 days maximum period, what will happen?
A Your instructor licence will be changed to a student licence until you submit it.

Q Which ways can I pay for services during this period?
A As usual, there are many ways to pay. You can send a cheque made payable to NAKMAS. You can use the PayPal link via the website (see next question). You can call Head Office and pay by credit or debit card.

Q How can I submit orders online?
A Please send orders via You will find guidance and a submission/PayPal portal here.

You can also send pdf documents to if you can already telephoned to pay for these. Please ensure you put your club code and a note to confirm payment method in the email.

Q Before lockdown, we had a black belt grading. Can I still register the grades during this period?
A Yes, we would love to receive the registrations and get them out to you quickly enabling you to plan presentations when things normalize.

Q I applied for dan grade promotion for May's meeting. Will this still be considered?
A Yes, all applications have been sent to National Management Officers who will be calling to interview over the next couple of weeks. These will then be discussed as normal and successful applicants will be informed by the end of May latest.

Q Can I now submit a dan grade application for the next meeting?
A Yes, there will be another meeting in November and applications can be sent in at any time up until one month before, i.e., by the 15th October.

Q I have heard that Anne Mullender no longer works with NAKMAS. Is this due to the Covid-19 crisis?
A No, Anne had already left NAKMAS before the crisis worsened. She is in regular contact with us and is well. She sends her best wishes to you all.

Q Is it ok for me to stay in contact?
A Of course; we are here for you whatever your worry. You can call during office hours (10am-1pm currently), or email
Coronavirus - Updated 19 March 2020
A message from the NAKMAS National Management Committee

Dear Members

As the Coronavirus continues to impact communities around the world, our thoughts are with all individuals personally affected and the dedicated medical professionals working to protect us. During this time of great uncertainty, we want to send a message of support to our members.

The health and wellbeing of our community is our primary concern and in these challenging times, we must stand together. We are impressed to see the resilience with which our members are facing this unprecedented situation.

At NAKMAS we are working hard to limit the impact of the virus for our members. We take our role in supporting you, your club and/or your business very seriously and recognise the trust you have placed in us as a membership organisation. We want to reassure you that we are continuously evaluating and exploring how we can best support you during this challenging time.

While NAKMAS can only offer limited legal advice, we strongly recommend all instructors/clubs/groups follow the guidance laid out by the Government and the World Health Organisation that all social gatherings should be postponed until a safer time. In line with this NAKMAS recommends that classes, gradings and courses are temporarily cancelled after the weekend in line with school closures.

NAKMAS is in discussions with the insurers concerning the NAKMAS insurance scheme about extending the insurance period over the time of inactivity given that there is little or no exposure during that time.

NAKMAS has also issued a press release asking the government to consider financial assistance for self-employed, freelance and sole traders who don't necessarily have business premises but work alone in the leisure industry supporting, educating and providing sporting opportunities for the public.

Our Head Office is open as usual to receive and process new/renewal memberships, DBS applications and clearances, registration of grades etc. It is an ideal time to ensure Disclosures received are logged at Head Office or perhaps complete an equality module while you have time. Our aim is to maintain our service as far as possible through this unprecedented period.

We recommend you try to keep in touch with your members if you can, a few ideas:

sending out a bulletin with some ideas for solo training, quizzes, information about aspects of training etc
recording class videos which could be distributed
• Issuing homework for junior members which could be emailed back for comments
• Deliver historical and technical knowledge through virtual media

Adult members who have DBS checks – charities like Age UK and local foodbanks are crying out for volunteers currently. Show the community that martial artists care… it may bring some new students when you reopen as well! Send us your stories to publish on social media.

NAKMAS will be regularly publishing any updates to this advice. We are basing all our actions and advice on facts, following information provided from trusted governmental sources, the World Health Organisation and others.

Although I'm the National Chair, I'm not a paid employee of NAKMAS but a volunteer. I myself head the Kent Karate Schools and have been in martial arts for 43 years, a significant amount of time as a full-time professional instructor. I have also Chaired three national martial arts governing bodies during my professional career.

As a fellow chief instructor, and co-founder of NAKMAS, I feel a huge sense of empathy and moral duty to provide professional and personal support to every chief instructor or head of organisation within NAKMAS. My heart goes out to you all; please be aware that you can contact me at any time through the Head Office.

If you need anything from us, do not hesitate to get in touch. We will do our best.

Wishing you all good health,

Joe Ellis, National Chair
For and on behalf of the
NAKMAS National Management Committee

Click here to view the NAKMAS press release dated the 19 March 2020

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Coronavirus - Updated 17 March 2020
NAKMAS is mindful of the growing concern among chief instructors within NAKMAS with regards to the Coronavirus.

We, as martial artists, know the importance and benefits of regular training within martial arts, e.g. physically and mentally, and NAKMAS is encouraging and supporting NAKMAS accredited affiliates in continuing to run their classes during this difficult period if possible. NAKMAS is not, at this stage, advocating the closure or suspending martial arts classes during this epidemic. However, NAKMAS will continue to monitor the situation and we will advise our affiliates accordingly. In this respect, members and affiliates are encouraged to visit this page frequently for regular updates and of course take note of any Government guidelines as a priority. Insurance cover and legal protection remains the same during this period.

The difficulty for martial arts and sporting classes arises if leisure/community centres or facility providers decide to close their centres or halls during this crisis. In this respect, this is very little you can do other than to seek another hall as a temporary measure if you still want to continue.

NAKMAS advises that grappling and throwing should stop and concentrate on other aspects of the syllabus. This could provide an excellent opportunity to deliver theory, e.g. history and technical discussions.

Of course, use your common sense: no shaking hands, high fives, hands on partner work. Students and instructors to wash/sanitize their hands before and after class, after money handling etc.

NAKMAS has been made aware that one chief instructor has been infected with the coronavirus. He is now isolated and one of his instructors is continuing to run all his classes in his absence. This is commendable and our support for him and his family is sincerely offered.

NAKMAS is also aware that several affiliates that have suspended their classes and are creating Facebook Groups in order to continue teaching and offering online tuition. Whilst this can assist, NAKMAS is strongly advising that such Facebook Groups is set as a 'private groups' and only allow club members access it to. Public Groups are far too risky and members privacy and security should be at the forefront of all minds of all chief instructors.

This link provides government updates:

Sky News seem to offer a well-balanced discussion and updates with regards to the current crisis. You can view Sky News online for free, via the following link:

Top right of the page is a red tab marked; 'Watch Live'. This provides an excellent platform for viewing.

Sadly, social media are delivering a huge amount of 'fake news' and NAKMAS strongly suggesting viewing government and NHS websites rather than social media. Indeed, the public have witnessed some respected television broadcasters panicking the public unnecessary.

Please be aware that the Prime Minister is advised every day by the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Officer. Both have large competent teams around them; they are not simply devising policy over coffee in 'Starbucks'. They are well respected individuals that want to help the public and save lives. Let's allow them to do their job.

NAKMAS Facebook Page via @nakmasngb
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Coronavirus - Updated 05 March 2020
Recently the Government published an action plan to contain the possible spread of the coronavirus.

Your preparations

Many of you are proceeding rapidly with your contingency planning. Some are just beginning that process in earnest.

Either way, the following 'A B C' may help shape your approach. There should be no presumption that one stage will automatically lead to the next, but it is best practice to think about the different scenarios that may emerge.

A: As you are. Our current state.

  • There is no need to cancel or postpone your events or classes at this time;
  • Reassure your athletes, stakeholders, and members, building on the latest Public Health England advice;
  • Remain mindful of guidance on infection control in the workplace - catch it, kill it, bin it;
  • Take sensible steps to discourage club/group staff with flu-like symptoms from coming to work or to a class;
  • Notify the DCMS sport team if you are contemplating postponing or cancelling events -
B: Behind closed doors If the Government finds it necessary to curb travel or large gatherings of people, this is particularly a possible scenario for spectator sports.

  • Consider broadcast options and contractual arrangements, if relevant;
  • Be mindful of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice which may make it more difficult to bring athletes and their teams into the country;
  • Examine your supply chain arrangements, particularly for equipment, and explore contingency plans;
  • Determine the minimum number of staff required to safely stage an event and how you would ensure their wellbeing and manage logistics;
  • Make an assessment of the economic impact of lost revenue and share this analysis with the DCMS Sport team -
C: Cancellation, curtailment, or postponement if the Government finds it necessary to impose restrictions which make staging an event or providing a service impossible.

  • Consider how you would resolve your remaining fixtures and conclude your competition, workforce health permitting;
  • Consider how you would deal with cancelled classes, membership, season tickets etc. Make an assessment of the economic impact of lost revenue and share this analysis with the DCMS Sport team.
  • Please also take every step to help keep our nation active. Being fit and healthy can reduce the risk of infection in the first place. Think creatively about how we can maintain activity levels in such a scenario.
Latest government guidance

The following tailored advice for our sector has been developed. This advises:

  • There is presently no rationale to close or cancel sporting events or classes, but this may change as the situation evolves, so please keep a close eye on
  • Anyone with flu-symptoms should avoid the risk of spreading their infection, whatever that infection may be, by staying at home and recovering;
  • For those hosting sporting events, whatever the size, attendees and participants should stay up to date on the government's latest advice on how to avoid catching or spreading the virus, which is here;
  • As the situation progresses advice may follow for the frail, elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions (to be defined) to stay away from gatherings as part of general advice aimed at minimising unnecessary contact with others;
  • For those travelling to sporting events overseas, the Foreign Office's travel advice should be followed here and travellers should note that apart from the countries and territories named in that advice, the government is not presently advising against travel to anywhere else;
  • For those who offer community and leisure services, such as running a local martial arts group or running a gym; hand hygiene should be strongly promoted and encouraged and equipment and facilities should be thoroughly cleaned and wiped down as usual following use. The government is planning to publish specific advice on this shortly;
  • There is presently no reason people should stop doing their daily sport and physical activities as they normally would;
The NAKMAS National Governing Body would like to reiterate the importance of following advice from Public Health England and when you have queries relating to the impact of coronavirus. Hopefully the guidance above will have answered many of your questions.

As we all know, martial arts, sport and activity play a vital role in maintaining health and wellbeing, and NAKMAS will provide further updates when appropriate.

The NAKMAS insurance schemes are fully operative, providing you follow the advice outlined above.

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NAKMAS We're Covid Safe logos are available for your website and social media pages in jpeg and png (transparent) format. The logo can only be legally used by those holding a NAKMAS Covid-19 Compliance Certificate as listed below.

Click here to download the logo's via zip file
NAKMAS Covid-19 Compliance Certificates Issued - Updated 17 June 2021
Although not compulsory, NAKMAS will issue a NAKMAS Covid-19 compliance certificate to those that provide evidence to NAKMAS that they will comply with the NAKMAS NGB National Guidelines relating to Covid-19 safety.

The registered and accredited chief instructor must be the first person to seek a compliance certificate before NAKMAS will consider compliance certificates for other instructors and club staff. If the chief instructor decides not to seek a compliance certificate, this will remove his/her instructors and club staff achieving the certificate.

The compliance certificate is offered by the NAKMAS NGB for free. Click here to see an actual certificate that was issued on the 19 October 2020 to a NAKMAS accredited chief instructor, Linsey Pavsic.

(Only a tiny amount of accredited affiliates have been issued with Covid-19 compliance certificates)

Area 51 Martial Arts & Tricking Academy (PMA/D) - Oliver Bonnington

Arun Aikido Club (AAC/W) - Tony J Wilden

Barham Karate Club (BKC/WR) - Adrian Wright

Berkshire CKD (BC/O) - Jason Taylor

Biggin Hill Judo Club (BHJC/M) - Robert Marshall

Birmingham Karate (BK/R) - Matthew Russell

Blade Martial Arts Academy (BMAA/D) - Christopher James Stuart Daly

Budo Kai Ju Jitsu Academy (BKJA/S) - Peter Smith

Bujin Ryu Karate (BK/B) - Terry Beale and Howard Spencer

Buna Kazoku Karate (BK/B) - Andrew Beech

Bushido Academies International (Lincolnshire) (BAI/E) - Steven Elliot

Central Warwickshire Shotokan Karate Club (SKC/B) - Neil Byrne, Sharon Byrne, Katrina Jakeway, Andrew Anderson and Jo Hogarth

Chang's Hapkido (CHA/P) - Tammy Parlour MBE

Chase Wado Kai (CWK/J) - David Jillings, Keith Harley, Dawn Bradley, Rhondda Hawkins, Freya Robson and Carl Beet.

Coulsdon Martial Arts (BMAF/F) - Chris Field

Combat Ju Jitsu North (CJN/H) - Anthony Hughes

Combat Ju Jitsu Wales (CJJW/W) - Jeff Evans and Steven Sexton

Concept Martial Arts Academy Belfast (CMAB/F) - Brian Fay

Crawley Black Belt Academy (CBBA/B) - Wayne Beadell

Dragon Kickboxing & Fitness (DKC/H) - Richard Cheval

Durham Shotokan Academy (DSA/B) - Craig Brenkley

Duston and Longbuckby Karate Clubs (ESTK/S) - Terry Ovens

East Coast Shotokan Karate Club (SKS/C) - James Atkin-Wagg

East Riding Kickboxing Club (ERKC/P) - Joy Peacock and Christopher Gardham

EHMAA (EHMAA/H) - Emil Herzberg

Elite Combat Taekwondo Association (ECTA/F) - Richard Fowler

Elite Ju Jitsu (EJJ/M) - Norman McCaffrey and Brian Jones

Elite Taekwondo (ETA/R) - Jason Rogers

Enfield Choi Kwang Do (ECKD/T) - Manish Tailor

Fighting Fit (SLMAS/L) - Tony Lloyd, Vaso Karanikis, Christine Powell, Toni Lloyd, Akidi Ocan, Jason Carter, Pip Murray, Joe Talbot, Barry Barton, Roy Dawson, Steve Dyson, Simon Braddock, Brian Simms, Steve Ray, Karl Anderson, Kei Enomoto, Stark, Davoid Soloman, Keron Pitt, Delcho Manolov, Nigel Eustace and Lee John Sendall.

FOCUS Tae Kwon Do (FT/P) - Adrian Perks

Fortress Martial Arts & Fitness (FMF/P) - Richard Pidduck

Freestyle Martial Arts (FMAA/W) - Vendon Wright

Future Martial Art - Choi Kwang Do Richmond (FMA/W) - Anthony Wendt

GKR Karate UK - (GKR/E) - Bob McCracken and Simon Kane

Haden Shotokan Karate Club (HSKC/O) - Steve O'Reilly

Hull Freestyle Martial Arts (HFMA/W) - Sarah Walgate and Tony Capraro

I A S K (IASK/A) - Nicholas B Adamou

Independent Budo Association (SB/J) - Allan Jones

International Capeira Group Topazio Surrey (GI/D) - Rogue Gomes Da Silva

Jishin-Kai Shotokan Karate (JK/T) - Gabriel Tan

Kai Shotokan Karate (KSK/BO) - Daniel Booth

Kamaete Schools of Traditional Shotokan Karate (KST/P) - Rakesh Patel and Peter Khera

Kent Karate Schools (KKS/E) - Joe Ellis, Sandra Beale-Ellis and Joshua Traylor

Kent United Taekwondo Association (UC/S) - Philip Simmons

Kenshin Shotokan Karate Ryu (KS/D) - Peter Shuter

Kenshukai Karate (KUK/S) - Aaron Harris, Peter Angell, Kevin John, Demitriy Emelianov and Eddie Bitton

Kodokan Kendo Club UK (KKC/B) - Paul Budden

Kokoro Shotokan Karate - KS/C - Paul Cooper

Korean Martial Arts Academy (KM/M) - Gary McConnachie

Lancashire Shotokan Karate Academy (LSK/P) - Linsey Pavsic

Lichfield Wado Ryu (LWR/H) - Jason Hardwidge and Jessica Maingay

LOW FU Kung Fu & Kickboxing (LF/S) - Noel Smith

Master Lawes Martial Arts (UK/L) - Ian Lawes and Debbie Lawes

Master Paul Woods Wirral Taekwondo (WT/W) - Mark Woods

MC Tae Kwon Do (MCT/C) - Paul Hooper

Mohan Martial Arts (M/T) - Graham Tomasko

NE Sport Taekwon-Do Club (TFW/E) - Neil Ernest

North East Ju Jitsu Kobudo Association (NEJKA/A) - Dorothy Adamson, Stephen Eglitis, Tony Ebdon, Keith Richardson, David Jennings, Karl Jessen, Graeme Morrison, Shannon Wilson, John Paul Johnson, Philip McDonald, Andrew Black, Gary Mitchell, Denise Jennings, Vicki Burrell, Dominic O'Donovan, Keith Keating, Alan Wilson, Julie Anderson, Matthew Brians, Alison Mallett, Michael Featherstobe, Brian Ray, Amy Jennings, Bronia Butterfield, William Parnell, Matthew Hurst, Steven Worton and Adrian Morris.

Oakham Choi Kwang Do School (PA/P) - Catherine Pinder

Pupic Martial Arts (PMA/P) - Samuel Pupic

Rengokai Karate (RK/O) - Mervyn O'Donnell, Craig Ford, Nicky Sanders, Glen Frame, Zerina Shaffi and NIgel Hosking

Scottish Karate Alliance (SKA/B) - Bill Hair

Shikkari Karate Kai (SK/M) - Brett Wilkinson and Catherine Cullen Jackson

Shotokan Karate Hamilton (SKH/K) - James Kirkwood, Andrew Bulloch, Jim McShane and Edward Harten

Shotokan Karate Shoshindo (SKS/E) - Joseph Edmonds

Shuho Ju Jitsu & Iaido Clubs (SHJ/E) - Colin Elgie

South Coast Choi Kwang Do (SCC/W) - Neil Cowie

Sooyang Do Martial Art (UKSA/W) - Bruce Wood, David Lawson, Conor Roberts, Gordon McIver, Collen McIver and James Yeats.

Surrey Kickboxing (SKF/M) - Stuart Miles

Su Zen Kai Karate (S/G) - Paul Goggin

Taekwondo Academy (HT/B) - Travis Bottriell, Janet White, Tasmin Stevens, Phil Stevens and Ben Standen

Tai Chi For Mobility (TC/B) - Rose Barlow

Tatsfield Martial Arts (TMA/P) - Adam Plinston

Tekio Cempa Martial Arts (TCMA/C) - David Cole

Test Valley Choi Kwang Do (TV/W) - Andrea Wells

Tetsudo Association (TTA/D) - B S Dhaliwal, Trevor Brindley, Christopher Davis, Dr Jane Falk-Whynes, John Hall, Garnett Holness, Andrew F Hopper, William Hughes, Ian MacGuinness, Dawn Nicholson, Matthew Brittle, Martin W Price and Alan Jamieson

The Falcons Kickboxing Club (FKC/W) - Mark White

The Fudoshin Dojo (TFD/G) - Steve Garland

Temple Martial Arts (TMA/D) - Andy Drumgold and Alison Whittingham

Traditional Shotokan Karate Association (TSKA/M) - Peter Manning, John Euden, Mick Foster and Bill Gorthy

Traditional Shotokan Karate Ryu (TSK/W) - Terry Wittkopp

Triumph Martial Arts (TMA/L) - Harry Limer

Trojans (TK/W) - Gary Wood

Turton Choi Kwang Do (TSC/R) - Kellie Allinson

Ultimate Karate (USK/B) - Neil Bennett, Darren Robinson, Ann-Marie Vale, Scott Marsh, Andrew Baker and Jack White

United Kingdom World Seido Organisation (UKWSK/J) - Roger Thyer-Jones, Stuart Wilson, Brandt Leitch, Stephen Fincham, Suzie Frankcom, Mark Terry, Mark Eade, Jon Yorke, Rob Hemans and Bede Brosnaham

Uxbridge Martial Arts Academy (UMAA/A) - Shabaaz Ali

United Tae Kwon Do International Wales - (UTIW/B) - Richard Mason, Carina Glover and Craig Sysum

Oriental Martial Arts Society (OMAS/D) - Chris Davies

Otani Budo Schools (OBS/S) - Mile Selvey

Warrior's Gym (PWMA/W) - Paul Warrior and Priya Roy

Welsh Shotokan Academy (MAS/C) - Andrew Courtney

Weoley Castle SKC (WC/H) - Sue Hession.

West Yorkshire Schools of Karate & Oriental Arts (WY/W) Shane Walker, Matthew Barlow, Antony Longmire, Diane
Townsend, Jamie Bellwood, Abi Gilbert, Paul Wistow, Ruth Walker, Richard Bellwood, Ryan Walker, Shaun Wood, Simon Diaz-Smith and Tanya Pollard.

Wiltshire Shotokan Karate Club (KKC/J) - Jeff Smith

World Ju Jitsu Scotland (KMAA/L) - Gary Lovatt, Matthew Ng, James Dunn, Alan Cartledge, David Cartledge, Nicola Harcus, Graeme Lumsden and Robert Parsons.

Yamashima Karate (GWK/MJ) - Neil Jones

Yamato Damashii (Y/D) - Tony Duke, Paul Williams and Carmelo Macasaddu

Yarm Martial Arts (TRB/R) - Anthony Rice

York Atemi Martial Arts (YAMA/N) - Frank Nielsen, Mollie Dunnington, Luke Yates and Dominic Curran

Zanshin Shotokan Karate Union (ZSKU/F) - Ross Fisher

NAKMAS National Governing Body
PO Box 630, Ashford, Kent, TN23 9AQ
Telephone: 01227 370055 (Monday to Friday 10am until 2pm)
Text/SMS: 07908683134 (24/7)